It’s okay… from a distance… a very far distance.
When I first received this, I thought it was great, but then I looked again. The figurines are fairly accurate with their little nose rings, but that’s where the compliments end. The figurines don’t have paint on them and they aren’t wearing any clothes like they are in the one I ordered. Not to mention that roof! I almost grounded my little Sarah thinking she had gotten to it with a sharpie! The shape of the roof is accurate but the design is sloppy and should be more faded by now if it really was made in 100 BC-250 AD. The stairs are also all wrong, they are skinny and to the front of the house, not wide and to the side. After I received this disappointment, I did some research and none of the houses that I saw had thin stairs like this. If you are going to make fakes, try harder!
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