1/5 starsEducational properties are the only thing holding this piece afloat.  

Um. So, I’d like to speak with a Sadigh sales rep and disrespectfully ask what they were thinking putting their rendition of what was most likely meant to be a skin covered mask created by the people of Ekoi on the market. What should have been in my mailbox was a traditional mask from a tribe located in Southeastern Nigeria. It should be a wooden frame covered in (what used to be human skin but is more recently) antelope. These treasured masks represent a multitude of events such as coming of age ceremonies (for young women), funerals, etc. I’m a bit distraught at the lack of defining pieces that are missing – many of the signature qualities distinguishing a typical Ekoi mask, particularly the elaborate headpiece that would represent hair are just NOT THERE… with no explanation. The people of Ekoi, who are most known for this style of mask, would be THROUGHOULY disappointed, as am I. This could be so educational but it has absolutely no defining characteristics outside of the lattice work at the base, so I can’t help but rate it so poorly #sorrynotsorrySadigh. 
