Night Lights

Sean Zechar

These paintings are odes to the night hours. The approaching darkness of the nighttime signals the end to the rush and pressures of the day. It slows down the rhythms of the world, bringing peace and relaxation. At night, hanging out with friends on a walk, the darkness tones down the distractions of the surroundings, creating a private world where it is just us and the comforting evening air. It is the time we have to ourselves and when we do as we please.

During the late hours, I can admire the beauty created by the contrast of luminous lights against the darkness of the night. The streetlamps bring focused attentions to what sits within the isolated circles of their light: spotlighted scenes that might otherwise be ignored or lost amidst the visual clutter of their surroundings. Being able to stand still and focus on one or two things is calming. The light provides enough information to appease the rational mind, providing some sense of security, however false or true. The darkness creates space to imagine all the possibilities beyond it. As it is with life, it is up to the individual to imagine what is possible: something fearful or something wonderous. My paintings reflect the world I see; they are my attempt to share the beauty of the evening that passes through my eyes.

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