Portrait of George Washington


Beginning in 1794, and continuing for some years, Gilbert Stuart traveled to Philadelphia to request sittings with George Washington. Portrait of George Washington, 1798, depicts the fruits of this labor and is one of almost one hundred portraits created of the President by Stuart. President Washington only sat for Stuart three times, forcing the artist [...]

The Cliff Dwellers


Thomas Moran’s 1899 oil painting captures a brilliant Western landscape, including a Native American cliff village. Originally referred to as the Grand Canyon, the piece was considered to be a glimpse into the uncharted West; later research placed the scene in Mesa Verde, CO, presumably depicting Anasazi dwellings. The Cliff Dwellers was one of many [...]

The Flagellation


A Florentine painter, known only as the Master of San Martino alla Palma, produced this painting in the mid-fourteenth century. The Flagellation depicts the whipping of Christ by Roman soldiers before his crucifixion. Many Christians practiced self-flagellation, or Mortification of the Flesh, during the era of this painting. Today, it is primarily monastics who practice [...]

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