I am a fickle person. This trait—flaw?—is where these paintings came from in the first place. I am angry, confusing, and held together by papier mâché and cookie crumbs. I am also polite, accommodating, and relatively well put together. I try to be anyway. (I try very hard.) These paintings came from the intersection of these different sides. This is corny, but it is kind of like my own little crossroads. They are a place in time where I don’t have to stick to just one personality or thing. I haven’t forced myself into a niche, and I do not plan to. Lobsters, quotes about cigarettes, kitchen aids, and little Dutch bunny rabbits (actually, just one little Dutch bunny rabbit about fifty times). Tubes of cadmium red, globs of gesso, scrape and reapply. Scrape and reapply. Again. Again. And again. This repetition is necessary to me because in these paintings I work to understand myself and have a little bit of fun in the meantime.