This installation explores the delicate balance between the technological and the organic. The torus shape, symbolic of continuity and interconnectedness, serves as a metaphor for the harmony and tension between the physical and spiritual. While the torus boasts versatile applications across specialized scientific fields that can suggest a thorough grasp of the form, from Tokamak Fusion Reactors to Toroidal Transformers, its frequent occurrence amongst natural phenomena, in the rings of trees, in rock formations, or astrologically, remains some of the most challenging for us to understand.

The reclaimed ash wood, marked by the scars of the invasive emerald ash borer, serves as a poignant symbol of transformation and renewal in the face of adversity. Its presence evokes a sense of bewilderment, inviting viewers to consider the beauty in resilience and find solace in the profound cycles of creation it represents.

I would like to give special thanks to Mason Richardson, Dr. Scott Hegen, Kayla Eicholtz, and Jennifer Parsons.

– Josh Szidik, Class of 2024