In Flux: Juried Exhibition of the South Eastern Fibers Educators’ Association
February 24, 2020 @ 8:00 am - March 20, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
In Flux: Juried Exhibition of the South Eastern Fibers Educators’ Association
“For a working artist, an exhibition acts as a checkpoint – not an end necessarily, but a pause in action. This SEFEA exhibition resulted from ongoing conversations, careful examination of each other’s art, and the joyful discovery of our intersecting and overlapping directions. These were found not only in fiber techniques and processes, but in our ideas, concerns, and driving concepts. This exhibition theme developed from the language we use to describe what we strive to achieve visually and what we hope others will experience in dialogue with our art. As a group, we conscientiously create an environment that supports ongoing conversation and creative development.
In Flux is an exhibition of art works curated around the central idea of change and reflection, it acknowledges those came before us and anticipates those who will come after us. The exhibition is intended to bring together art that explores and asks a range of questions from a variety of approaches. It travels from school to school, because the individuals in this group are spread among schools throughout the region. It teaches because we as individuals teach.”
— Lisa L. Kriner, Professor of Art, Fibers and Printmaking at Berea College
“When the many parts of a textile come together, they create a structure that has both flexibility and integrity. The works exhibited by SEFEA members demonstrate the vast technical and emotional capabilities of fiber art. They show how the can stretch and bend, without rupture, to contain many individual approaches within a single community. The ongoing discussions from SEFEA meetings, the relationships that have formed as a result of the association, and the work that has been made and shared through forum of yearly meetings, all speak to the connections made possible through fiber art practice.”
— Amanda Thatch, Textile Artist & Studio Coordinator for Textiles and Drawing/Painting at Penland School of Craft 2014-2018
For an opportunity to speak with some of the artists involved in this installation, there will be a panel discussion on Tuesday, February 25 at 10:00AM in the Lower Traylor Gallery consisting of Lisa Kriner, Crystal Gregory, Cathryn Amidei, and Erin Miller.
Artist Panel Discussion: Tuesday, February 25 at 10:00AM
Exhibition Run: February 24 — March 20
Image: SEFEA logo